Our Work
University Custom Application Development
Building a custom application to interface with the university’s application system

What We Did
Developed a php platform to receive application system data upon request and create a specifically designed excel sheet application mapping all student data. Applicant needed to be at a specific period to create the application in which the administrator could pull the data at any time.

How We Actually Did It
- Initially a requirements gathering session to understand the customised request
- Validating capabilities of the API with the application system
- Mapped existing data to the required excel application template
- Developed the pull request of the data
- Drew the data into the excel template
- Provided capability to export or email the file
- Later optimised the process giving status, search and admin filters to the admin system.

What Was the Impact on the Business?
University saved time and frustration on the hundreds of student visa applications submitted. Not only did this remove the processing time but also addressed the accuracy issue that happens due to the manual creation of these applications. Estimated cost saving of more than ¥450,000 yen per semester

Contact Us
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We will contact you within 24 working hours.
+81 (0) 48-767-8127
Weekdays 10am~5pm Japan standard time
(Excluding National and Public Holidays)