Our Work
Microsoft Dynamics ERP Implementation
Migrated the local accounting system and excel based inventory management into the Global Microsoft Dynamics ERP template

What We Did
- Analyzed and Localised the ERP Template for Japan
- Requirements definition / GAP Fit analysis with documentation
- EDI with 3PL, eCommerce Platform Magento
- Intercompany data exchange
- MSQL Linked Server and query with Forecast software, POS Software, Reporting software

How We Actually Did It
Formal meetings using the Microsoft ERP implementation methodology to create requirements definitions as well as GAP fit for customized development was initially consulted. Based on these requirements a formal quotation to migrate and implement the local project was globally approved.
Meetings with 3PL Vendors, Local account company ( Previous local account software) to extract historic entries preparing for import into the new system, Training sessions were all done within the 10month time frame.

What Was the Impact on the Business?
The business changed from a pure standalone business to being globally aligned and providing visibility into the end to end business. Automations for eCommerce as well as 3PL and inventory management was optimised. System understanding principles were adopted by the business. Training documentation were created to ensure knowledge retention of processes were delivered and refined inside the CRP sessions in order to have a clear definition of activities required inside the system
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We will contact you within 24 working hours.
+81 (0) 48-767-8127
Weekdays 10am~5pm Japan standard time
(Excluding National and Public Holidays)